Digital Image Competition

Published: Friday, March 13, 2015

Digital Projected Image Competitions


Digital Files

Members may enter a total of two images into a monthly competition with a maximum of two images in any one category. A “digital copy’ of the print must have been uploaded onto the club website by the Saturday at 11:59 pm before the competition.

Any image may be resubmitted ONE time, provided it did not place in competition the first time submitted. Place is defined as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or Honorable Mention.

All images must be .jpg files and must fit within a 1920 wide x 1200 tall pixel matrix. That means the maximum is 1920 on the long side for a Landscape orientation and 1200 on the long side for a portrait orientation.

When converting to jpg from another format (RAW or TIFF, for example),  the resolution looks best if set between 100 and 138 pixels per inch for projecting.  Higher densities look better for printing, but worse for projecting images.

Colors look the best when the digital images submitted use ProPhoto RGB color space. If your photo editor gives you this option (as does Photoshop & Lightroom), please select this color space for your digital submissions. If your photo editor does not have that option, competitions can actually accept photos in any color space.

The Image Uploading Instructions and Upload Tutorial (this is a large document and may take a few minutes to download) can be downloaded in PDF format.

Digital Entry Deadline:  10 AM on the day of the competition (see the calendar).

Digital Categories

The Club Calendar shows the categories for each competition. The Digital categories include the following:

Examples for each competition category: Color, MonochromeJournalism, Creative, Nature, Travel 

Digital Competition Levels

We have only one competition level in the club: Advanced

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