Documents and Files

Use the "spin down" indicator in the left column to expand the tree items to view sub-categories and files. You will only see items listed for which you have permissions to download.

Download Categories
This includes files that did not specify a download category.
Annual Picnic Management
These files help the organizers of the club's annual picnic with sign-up sheets, flyers, roster, sample invitation, etc.
Club Info
Information about running the club not covered by other categories: By-Laws, Rosters, etc...
Competition Information
Anything about our competition process. How to upload images, how we classify A vs B for Color/Pictorial,print entry forms, etc....
Documents that inform us about photography related topics
Executive Committee Minutes
Minutes of the Executive Committee Meetings
Information about exhibits
Field Trips
All files related to field trips.
Graphics Files
Graphics that the club may use for website, logos, etc
Job Descriptions
Place all club job descriptions (President, Secretary, Treasurer, etc...) here in PDF format.
Topics related to club membership
Mentoring Resources
Any resource that club members may need to improve their photography
Newsletters and Magazines
Our Monthly Newsletters and now Magazines in PDF format
Monthly club programs and programs presented elsewhere
Seeing In Sixes
Presentations made in the Seeing In Sixes special interest group
Webmaster Files
This is a repository for files useful to the webmaster and the assistant webmasters.
Files uploaded to support Workshops

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