Published: Monday, September 2, 2024
Free Photography Exhibit at the Los Gatos JCC
The Los Gatos - Saratoga Camera Club will hold a free exhibit beginning November 1st 2024, and ending November 30th. The gallery at the Addison-Penzak Jewish Community Center of Silicon Valley in Los Gatos will feature many outstanding images from professional and highly talented local photographers. Hours are 9am – 9pm daily at the second floor gallery, 14855 Oka Rd, Los Gatos.
Meet the Photographers Reception will be held Wednesday, November 6th between 5 and 8:00pm
This exhibit contains examples of some of the best photographs of the participating members. There are travel, landscape, photojournalism, nature and creative photos in both color and black and white formats. Many images in the exhibition will be for sale.
Rick Varley - VP Exhibits
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