How to Upgrade your Zoom Client

Published: Friday, June 10, 2022

Our club has been having issues with some of our members not having a good experience in our Zoom sessions.  We have changed our Zoom settings such that you MUST have the latest version of the Zoom Client (a fancy word for the Zoom App) to join any of our club’s Zoom sessions.  If you try to join without the latest version, you will get an error message, requiring you to update your Zoom client to the latest version and won’t be allowed to join until that is accomplished. This includes outside guests as well as members - even the Zoom host needs to be on the latest version.

It isn’t a big deal and takes less than 10 minutes. We advise doing it well before the meeting so that you aren’t late in joining the meeting. There is a link below for a video showing you  exactly how to update your Zoom client if you are on a PC or on a Mac.  Updates come out often, so we recommend doing it the day of each of our Zoom sessions at least 15 minutes before hand or earlier in the day.  To check for an update takes less than a minute and if none are needed you are informed of that and you are done in a minute!

Here are the two links to YouTube videos on how to update your Zoom client:

Updating Zoom on a Mac

Updating Zoom on a PC

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