Education Workshops By and For LGSCC Members

Workshops provide a way for LGSCC members to share their expertise with other members. You can find upcoming workshops and recordings of past workshops (when available) on the LGSCC Workshop page. All members will receive an invitation to attend a workshop about a month prior to the event.

If you have suggestions on topics or links to articles you would like reviewed and posted, send email to and put Education Suggestion in the subject line.


Getting Started at LGSCC

Jim Katzman - What you should know about our website by Jim Katzman

Provides an orientation to the features of the website including making your own image galleries. This 1 hour tour is a must see for anyone new to the club.

Easy Composition Tips for Beginners by Abby Ferguson

Tips for making the subject of your image clear and for creating visual movement to lead the viewer's eye around the image.

Maybe You Need a Photo Editing Checklist? by Mike Dixon

Tips to ensure you don't forget any important steps when you process your photos.

Equipment Versus Photographer–Which Matters More? by Jaymes Dempsey

Discusses the various capabilities of cameras and how they matter to an image and then talks about the importance of a maker's skill.

Participating in Club Competitions

Understanding Competition Categories 

This PDF answers common questions around PJ, nature, and travel images so that you can choose the appropriate category for submission to LGSCC competitions. It contains slides from a workshop given by LGSCC member Bernie Weinzimmer in 2022. 

The Art of Seeing

The Art of Seeing

LGSCC member Eric Gray discusses the e 4 P’s: Planning, Perspective, Persistence and Pushing the shutter and ways to train your eye to see new ways to compose scenes. The recording is from a workshop given in 2022.

The Art of Seeing by Marc Muench

Discusses design elements important to landscape photography including subject, light, and composition. Also available as a free ebook.

The Art of Seeing and Composition by Brian Peterson

A presentation and QA session presented by Xploring Light. Discusses design elements and shows how to creatively capture images. See also his book Learning to See Creatively.


San Jose Camera


Websites With Useful Articles



Digital Photo

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